Yoga and Mindfulness

Price: $95 per Class | Duration: 45 - 60 Minutes

Elevate your well-being with our comprehensive yoga course, designed to enhance physical strength, mental clarity, and inner balance. Whether you're a beginner or experienced practitioner, our expertly guided sessions offer a structured approach to mastering yoga techniques and fostering long-term wellness.

6 Unit Course

Transform your well-being with expert-guided yoga practice.


Rated 4.97 by Families

Hybrid Learning Available

Classes are available in person and on zoom

Beginner to Advanced

Student can test into higher levels


Instructors available in English, Spanish & Chinese

Structured Curriculum: A well-organized course covering the history, philosophy, principles, and practical applications of yoga and mindfulness practices.

Flexible Learning: Content tailored to accommodate beginners and advanced learners, ensuring everyone gains valuable insights.

Breath Control: Mastering breath management techniques.

Posture Mastery: Achieving proper alignment in key yoga poses.


Note: All time durations are approximations and subject to change according to needs, availability and ability.

Unit 1

Breath and Movement

1-2 months

  • Achieve precise alignment and stability in this essential standing pose.
  • Build strength and flexibility through this fundamental yoga position.
  • Use this pose to rest and recover, integrating calm into your practice.
  • Achieve precise alignment and stability in this essential standing pose.
  • Build strength and flexibility through this fundamental yoga position.
  • Use this pose to rest and recover, integrating calm into your practice.
  • Coordinate your breath with your movements to create a fluid practice.
  • Use this breathing technique to deepen your practice and maintain focus.
  • Let breath serve as an anchor to enhance concentration and presence.

Unit 2

Building Strength and Stability

1-2 months

  • Activate Core Muscles: Engage and strengthen your core to support a stable practice.
  • Excel in Plank Pose: Build endurance and core stability through this fundamental pose.
  • Conquer Boat Pose: Strengthen your abdominal muscles and improve balance.
  • Achieve Balance in Tree Pose: Develop concentration and balance through this grounding pose.
  • Fortify with Warrior II: Build strength and stability in the legs and core with this dynamic pose.
  • Master Single-Leg Balancing: Enhance your balance and stability with various single-leg poses.
  • Implement Alignment Cues: Apply key alignment principles to optimize your poses and prevent injury.
  • Tune Into Your Body: Sharpen your ability to respond to your body’s signals for a safer practice.
  • Adopt Safe Movement Practices: Learn to move with precision to enhance effectiveness and reduce risk.

Unit 3

Flexibility and Flow in Teams

3-5 months

  • Expand Hamstring Flexibility Collectively: Increase flexibility with group-focused hamstring stretches.
  • Open Hips Together: Improve team hip mobility through collaborative stretching and support.
  • Advance with Progressive Group Stretching: Safely deepen flexibility with team-guided stretches.
  • Master Group Sun Salutations: Perfect synchronized sun salutations to build a solid team foundation.
  • Transition Between Poses as One: Learn techniques for smooth group transitions from pose to pose.
  • Lead Vinyasa Flow with Team Breath: Direct the team’s flow with breath, ensuring a harmonious practice.
  • Excel in Chair Pose Together: Build lower body strength and group cohesion through collective practice.
  • Explore Lunge Variations as a Team: Enhance group flexibility and stability with varied lunges.
  • Embrace Twists Together: Incorporate twisting poses to enhance group flexibility and detoxify as a team.

Unit 4

Mental Focus and Relaxation

3-4 months

  • Initiate Group Meditation: Start with team meditation techniques to cultivate mental clarity and group cohesion.
  • Conduct Group Body Scan Meditation: Perform guided body scans to enhance group awareness and relaxation.
  • Anchor Team Focus with Breath: Use breath as a collective tool for deeper team meditation and mindfulness.
  • Experience Yoga Nidra: Engage in deep relaxation techniques to significantly reduce stress and promote rest.
  • Implement Breath for Calm: Use breathwork techniques like alternate nostril breathing to soothe the mind.
  • Rejuvenate with Restorative Poses: Apply gentle poses to alleviate stress and foster relaxation.
  • Master Savasana: Perfect the practice of relaxation in the final pose to rejuvenate your body and mind.
  • Guide Relaxation: Lead yourself into profound relaxation with guided techniques.
  • Utilize Props for Enhanced Rest: Enhance your restorative practice using props like blankets and bolsters.

Unit 5

Advanced Poses and Sequences

4-5 months

  • Conquer Crow Pose: Build strength and balance with this foundational arm balance.
  • Achieve Headstand: Safely practice headstands to develop strength and confidence in inversions.
  • Explore Backbends: Deepen your flexibility and strength through advanced backbending poses.
  • Design Your Yoga Practice: Create tailored sequences to meet your personal goals and needs.
  • Adapt Sequences Dynamically: Modify your practice based on daily energy levels and physical requirements.
  • Craft Themed Practices: Develop sequences with specific focuses, such as strength or flexibility.
  • Understand Chakras: Gain insight into the seven chakras and their influence on your yoga practice.
  • Balance Energy with Poses: Use targeted poses to balance and energize each chakra.
  • Enhance Energy Flow: Incorporate chakra awareness into your practice to optimize energy flow and balance.

Unit 6

Integration and Mastery

5-6 months

  • Create Morning and Evening Routines: Develop yoga practices to start and end your day with intention.
  • Apply Mindful Living Principles: Integrate yoga principles into your daily activities and decisions.
  • Expand Yoga Beyond the Mat: Apply insights from your practice to enhance various aspects of life.
  • Refine Breath Control Techniques: Perfect your Pranayama practice for deeper and more effective breathing.
  • Advance in Flow Sequences: Master complex sequences that combine strength, flexibility, and balance.
  • Deepen Meditation Practices: Build on meditation skills for greater mental and emotional clarity.
  • Conduct a Comprehensive Practice: Engage in a culminating session that integrates all the skills you’ve learned.
  • Reflect on Your Journey: Evaluate your progress, challenges, and achievements throughout the course.
  • Set Future Yoga Goals: Identify areas for continued growth and development in your yoga practice.

"Joining this collaborative yoga course has been transformative for both my practice and my teamwork skills. The focus on synchronized breathing and movement has not only improved my physical strength and flexibility but has also deepened my connection with my team. Each unit built upon the last, and by the end, I felt more aligned, both personally and as part of the group. This course is a must for anyone looking to enhance their yoga practice while fostering a sense of community."

— Alex J.,

Smart Start Student Graduate

Frequently Asked Questions

Most frequent questions and answers

Who can join the Yoga and Mindfulness course?

Anyone! Our course is designed for all skill levels, from complete beginners to advanced strategy game enthusiasts. The curriculum is flexible to accommodate and challenge everyone.

How will advanced learners benefit from this course?

Advanced learners will engage in in-depth analyses of game mechanics, complex strategic scenarios, and advanced game design principles. The course challenges advanced participants to deepen their expertise and refine their strategic abilities.

How can I enroll in the course?

You can enroll by visiting our website smartstartcenters and following the registration instructions. Early registration is recommended to secure your spot.

How is the course structured?

The course includes theoretical lessons, practical gaming sessions, in-game exercises, team-based challenges, and a final project. It’s divided into sections that progressively build your skills and knowledge.

Can the skills learned in this course be applied outside of gaming?

Absolutely! Strategic thinking, decision-making, and problem-solving skills are highly transferable and valuable in various real-world contexts, including business, personal development, and everyday decision-making.

Is there any support available if I need help during the course?

Yes, our instructors are available to provide guidance and feedback throughout the course. You’ll also have opportunities to collaborate and receive support from your peers.

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