Where Anyone Can Discover New Skills
Where Anyone Can Discover New Skills

Where Anyone Can Discover New Skills

We're a center where every activity is always available. From cooking to art to yoga, you can find your new skill right here.

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Where Anyone Can Discover New Skills

Why Smart Start?

What makes us different? We're more than just a room with walls and materials. We're a cultural hub. You can work with experienced professionals who will help you learn new skills.

Fun, Safe, Productive

Fun, Safe, Productive

You won't know how amazing you are at something until you try.

Anyone can join.


Our team of professional instructors and craftsmen are the best in their respective fields. They have years of experience and love what they do.

Trained & Qualified.
Easy to Join

Easy to Join

We pride ourselves on a simple and streamlined pricing system. You choose the class size, and the pricing always stays. No hidden charges. No fees. No headaches.

1, 2, 3, Done.
About Us

Its the environment that matters. Thats why we created Smart Start Centers

Smart Start gives you an exciting experience. We provide any and all resources needed for class and constant supervision. Your only focus is enjoying and learning, and our only focus is you.

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Featured Classes

What's new right now? \

We have some exciting classes already being offered. Check to see if we're in your area!

Yoga & Meditation

Yoga & Meditation

Calmness and clarity of mind... this is the perfect time to let your body relax and focus all of your energy.

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Cooking Classes

Cooking Classes

Recipes, measurements, and creating the next best meal... thats what our instructors have to offer. We teach you important kitchen skills all step by step.

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American Sign Language (ASL)

American Sign Language (ASL)

There is more than one way to communicate effectively. Learning ASL is an incredible way to expand your boundaries and learn new ways to express yourself.

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Simple Classes. Simple Pricing. Amazing Opportunity.

Private, Semi-Private, Small Group

Smart Start programs can bring you a super exciting experience of trying something new! Our flexible learning initiatives will help you to learn better and quicker than the traditional ways of learning skills.

  • Get access to a variety of different courses
  • Flexible scheduling weekdays and weekends
  • Create professionals with proper instruction
  • Easy billing with simple pricing structures
  • Constant follow-up and supervision
  • Dedicated support staff and service
Get Started Now
Private, Semi-Private, Small Group Fun staff... Amazing Topics... New skills... Smart Start


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    Our Flexible Pricing Plan

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    200 HOUR TTC

    • Examine traditional yoga asanas
    • Learn meditation and philosophy
    • Connect energetics and anatomy
    • Practice teaching for confidence
    • Become a Yoga Alliance RYT200
    $499.99 Yoga Alliance Certified
    Book Now
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    300 HOUR TTC

    • Fine tune yoga alignment and form
    • Explore the fine art of sequencing
    • Delve deeper into ancient scripture
    • Study therapeutic based anatomy
    • Become a Yoga Alliance RYT300
    $599.99 Yoga Alliance Certified
    Book Now
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    500 HOUR TTC

    • Get the highest level certification
    • Become a respected yoga master
    • Work at luxury resorts and retreats
    • Lead your own teacher trainings
    • Become a Yoga Alliance RYT500
    $699.99 Yoga Alliance Certified
    Book Now
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    We always give extra care to our student's skills improvements and feel excited to share our latest research and leanings!

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